Stress Management (English)

Contenido del curso

  • Stress and its modalities.
  • Causes (stressors) and types of stress.
  • Tools for self-knowledge.
  • Symptoms and consequences of stress in the workplace/personal life.
  • Stress management benefits, physiological aspects.
  • Stress management strategies and tools.
  • Relaxation, breathing and visualization techniques.
  • Positive Thinking / Negative Thinking.
  • Recognition of internal dialogues and personal attitudes that trigger stress.
  • Exploration of healthier attitudes to neutralizing stress.
  • Burnout, Mobbing and Bullying concepts.

¿Para qué?

  • Learn techniques for better stress management.
  • Identify our stressors.
  • Have a greater self-knowledge.
  • Increase productivity at work.
  • Improve our relationships in the different areas of our lives.
  • Have more productivity and efficiency at work.
  • Reach greater well-being both physically and mentally.

Próxima convocatoria e inscripción

  • Fecha y horario: Flexibles.
  • Opciones de curso: Masterclass (2 horas), curso corto (8 horas), curso extenso (16 horas).

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