Communication Skills (English)

Contenido del curso

  • Communication channels.
  • Interpersonal and intrapersonal communication.
  • Nonverbal communication.
  • Communication applied to interpersonal relationships.
  • Mind maps.
  • Design of effective conversations.
  • Nonviolent communication tools (Marshall Rosenberg).
  • The NLP and its applications to communication.
  • Active listening, assertiveness, empathy, rapport and constructive and effective feedback.
  • Cowardly language and responsible language.
  • Communication with oneself (internal dialogue).

¿Para qué?

  • Improve communication skills in the business and personal environment.
  • Improve working atmosphere within the company.
  • Increase capacity for persuasion and credibility.
  • Encourage communication and trust among individuals and/or groups.
  • Obtain tools for communication improvement.
  • Reduce business conflict.
  • Know how to properly use the power of verbal and nonverbal language.
  • Improve our well-being as a result of improving our communication..

Próxima convocatoria e inscripción

  • Fecha y horario: Flexibles.
  • Opciones de curso: Masterclass (2 horas), curso corto (8 horas), curso extenso (16 horas).

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