Team Coaching (English)

Contenido del curso

  • Team building for better results.
  • Improving communication, unity and responsibility of the team.
  • Improve results related to time management, communication, etc.
  • Establishing short and medium term goals.
  • Group awareness of company objectives and values.
  • Encouraging interaction and participation with participants.
  • Generate shared learning.
  • Team leadership and motivation.
  • Individual and team self-awareness.
  • Development of trust and openness in the team.
  • Positive team feedback, synergy, differences and recognition.

¿Para qué?

  • Increased productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Development of competences and/or skills.
  • Establish individual and group responsibilities.
  • Apply tools for self-awareness and self-evaluation of the team.
  • Clear and effective team communication.
  • Alignment of team objectives.
  • Better individual and group emotional management.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • Higher team motivation and better work environment.

Próxima convocatoria e inscripción

  • Fecha y horario: Flexibles.
  • Opciones de curso: Flexibles.

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