7 practicals skills for the job

Contenido del curso

  • Planning work and managing time productively.
  • Giving and receive feedback.
  • Communicate assertively in crucial situations.
  • Effective online/offline meetings.
  • Giving information in a clear and structured way.
  • Guiding & influence your team.
  • Interviewing with empathy.

¿Para qué?

  • Learn the essential soft skills for a global environment.
  • Become a professional beyond just technical skills.
  • Strengthen seven skills that are highly recommended for effective work.
  • Collaborate effectively with digital teams.
  • Build digital empathy between different teams.
  • Develop a new mindset.

Próxima convocatoria e inscripción

  • Fecha y horario: Flexibles.
  • Opciones de curso: Masterclass (2 horas), curso corto (8 horas), curso extenso (16 horas).

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