Managing cultural diversity

Contenido del curso

  • Diversity management in the company: concept and benefits.
  • The Company Diversity Management (CDM) plan.
  • Business practice: major challenges, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Unconscious biases and types.
  • Influence of biases on decision-making.
  • Neurological levels of personality.
  • Beliefs: limiting and enhancing.
  • Impact of change: the inclusive environment.
  • Diversity factors.
  • Types of communication.

¿Para qué?

  • Recognize our negative cognitive biases.
  • Develop conflict management strategies.
  • Acquire tools and guidelines for developing awareness of the importance of diversity.
  • Get the most out of diversity in the business environment.
  • Improve communication and work atmosphere.
  • Individual and group motivation.

Próxima convocatoria e inscripción

  • Fecha y horario: Flexibles.
  • Opciones de curso: Masterclass (2 horas), curso corto (8 horas), curso extenso (16 horas).

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